
Welcome to my workshop!

Here I want to share examples of current and recent activities in the workshop, as well as a few examples of my process of sculpting.  I am experimenting with this page so it might get messy at times, just as my workshop does.

Essentially the newest material is at the top and it gets pushed down as I add more. 

visitors applying plaster to armature

North Yorkshire Open Studios 2022

(June 2022)

This was the first time I had taken part in an Open Studios event. It was very exciting - the picture shows some visitors who took up my invitation to apply some plaster to an armature for a panther.   The conversations with visitors have also given me a lot to think about: what materials can I use for garden sculptures? Can I make smaller pieces at more accessible prices? In response to these I am exploring some training in mould-making and casting in Jesmonite for the Autumn. This feels like an exciting new direction to try out.  

Simplicity (1)

(January 2022)

I decided to start my 2022 sculpting by creating a simple form from a piece of sycamore. The wood comes from a tree we had to have felled early in 2020 due to heart-rot, which meant it was high risk of falling down. 

Having cut away all the wood that had clear signs of damp damage or fungal infection, I was pleased to be left with a promising chunk.  

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  • Sequence from rough wood to finished sculpture

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This I then shaped mainly with chisels, seeking to create the most subtle spiral twist I could achieve. I like the end result and after this project I am optimistic about the other pieces of sycamore I still have drying. 

picture of workbench with tools on it.

Do you sculpt?

I am keen to find other sculptors who would like to get together from time to time to look at our work and share thoughts, ideas and experiences of sculpting. This could be face to face when that is allowed, or virtual, depending on locations [I am based near York].

If you are interested, please get in touch.

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